Thursday, January 29, 2015

The Shadow Hero - Graphic Novel

"The Shadow Hero", written by Gene Luen Yang ("American Born Chinese") is a story about living in Chinatown in the 1930s, and with the persistence and insistence of one mother wanting more for her son, a young boy becomes the first Asian American superhero. Calling himself, the Green Turtle, Hank tells the story of how his life as a superhero first began.

The story is exciting, the artwork is beautiful and Gene Luen Yang's humor charm shows each character, especially Hank's strict but loving mother. The mystery and folklore weaved throughout the origin story of  The Shadow Hero was captivating and the account of Chu Hing's Green Turtle in the back of the volume was really appreciated. I love learning more about the history of comics, especially when it, although rarely, involves a character, writer or artist that is not a straight-white-male.

Really great story that speaks larger than just what or who a super hero can be.

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