Friday, February 13, 2015

Nameless -- Issue #01

This is a comic that I'm nervous to like right off the bat. The artwork, specifically the perspective in the illustrations are amazing, stuff like I've never seen before. Although it was a classic first issue, and you really have no clue how to describe what the story is actually about, the base idea seems really awesome. I read further online about what Grant Morrison's idea was with this, and I stumbled upon something that lead me to find out that this series is supposed to be a very dark, very gruesome thriller/horror story. Not that I got that intense of a vibe from the first issue, but Morrison made a warning about the first issue giving just a slight taste of the storyline and then its going to blast off and just continue to get more and more horrible as the story goes on.

I just .. don't want to have nightmares.

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