Tuesday, November 25, 2014

The Life After -- Issue #01

The story begins with this guy talking about his life and how it is the same every day, he goes to work he goes on the bus home a girl drops a scarf he goes to his apartment he watches a cooking show he goes to bed he wakes up and brushes his teeth.

One day on the bus he is thinking about the girl on the bus and how he has never seen her face so he gets up and tries to follow her off the bus but the driver grabs his arm and won't let him leave.

Every time the boy touches someone in this story an electric shock happens and the boy is aware of information that happened either in the past or in the future (not sure which) and he is taken there as well.

He meets Earnest Hemmingway who tells him that the boy is now dead and they are in purgatory for suicides. The plot of this story arch reminds me of a movie I saw once called Wristcutters: A Love Story which is about the afterlife for people who have committed suicide.

Seems like it is set in the future so its like thousand and thousands of years of people are in this story, all of them at once in this place - which I think would be really cool.

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